Oswal Woolen Mills Ltd

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Oswal Woolen MillsThis project was completed in 3 phases running concurrently.  The total capacity created is 2000 workstation for a Call Centre for G.E. Capital.  The composite Structural steel/R.C.C. structure consisting of Basement + Ground and 5 floors of total covered area of 2,60,000 Sft. in which a floor of 37,500 Sft. area to be handed over every month.

First Floor and Second Floor (Phase I & Phase II of project) on existing Ground Floor building (built by us in 1990) consisting of an area of 28000 sq.ft. each.  The phase III had Basement and 5 floors (Ground +  4) each of area 37500 sq.ft.  Phase III was started in the month of Sept.2000 and each completed level was handed over in 35 days.  The building has high quality finishes in wet & services areas.


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